There are several ways to reach the Telegram team. But before trying that, it is recommended to make sure you are contacting using the right communication channel with the right type of question. This article aims to break down Telegram’s accounts and emails you can use to contact the messenger’s representatives.
This article is related to another one: “How to report content in Telegram?”. Maybe it will also be useful for you.

1. Report Violation
All Telegram apps have in-app report buttons for reporting different types of content. However, sometimes you might encounter a situation where it is better to report violations through special email addresses. Allegedly there are all sorts of addresses you could contact, but @tginfo is sure about these:
- [email protected]: report any content for terms of service or law violations.
- [email protected]: reportcopyright infringement.
- [email protected]: report child abuse.
You can report scammers or somebody pretending to be you on @NoToScam.
2. Appeal ban or restriction
If you think Telegram banned or restricted your account, channel, bot, or chat wrongly, you can try to appeal the decision.
2.1. Account was restricted
If you are an active Telegram user and a member of various chats, or if you contact various new people, those people might report you. Reports might get your account restricted, meaning you:
- can’t contact users that have not added you to their contacts
- can’t write in public groups unless you are an admin
- can’t create groups/channels
- can’t manage your channel/group administrators
- can’t add other users to a channel/group
Contact @SpamBot to check for account restrictions, you can press the «This is a mistake» button and ask moderators to re-check the report if you think the restriction is wrong. However, this button may be not present sometimes.
Important: Sometimes @SpamBot does not tell you up-to-date restrictions. This delay usually happens when your account gets restricted but @SpamBot does not confirm it or when your account is restricted but @SpamBot tells you the opposite.
2.2. Channel, chat, or bot was banned. Account was banned, blocked, or you lost access to it
There are two addresses to appeal other types of bans or contact Telegram support if you lost access to your account:
- [email protected]: appeal against your account/channel/group restrictions
- [email protected]: Use it to appeal against your account deletion or if your phone number is banned. If your phone number was banned, then do not send email manually, but read «What to Do When My Phone Number Gets Banned on Telegram?«.
Important: There’s a chance of not getting an email back but getting restrictions silently taken off. Therefore, it is recommended to check for restrictions periodically instead of waiting for Telegram to reply back.
3. Bugs and Suggestions
If you have a suggestion or there’s a bug you want to report, post it on (English only).
To send a suggestion or report a bug, log in with your Telegram account and start typing keywords of your idea or problem in the search bar. If there are no matching results, click «Report a problem» button that will appear and proceed with the report wizard.
4. Auth code does not come
We tell you what to do if you don’t receive an authorization code in a separate article “What to Do When Telegram Auth Code Doesn’t Arrive?”
5. General Questions About Telegram
If you have a general question about the messenger (e.g. «How to create a channel?» or «I can’t find a setting»), try contacting Telegram’s Volunteer Support.
You can contact them here: +42400 (or navigate to Settings > Ask a Question)
Bear in mind that the volunteers are not responsible for things mentioned in previous chapters, like account recovery, etc. You might not get an answer here, as volunteers do not have any obligations to work a specific number of hours per day. They might still be useful as the team consists of knowledgeable people.
6. Bot Developers
If you are a bot developer and you need to change bot username or increase bot’s rate limits, contact @BotSupport.
Don’t contact @BotSupport about bots you don’t own. @BotSupport doesn’t help with programming and doesn’t answer questions about the API. @BotSupport doesn’t help with setting bots up.
7. Other Questions
If you have any questions that have nothing to do with the things mentioned above, you can try contacting Telegram’s general support over [email protected].