WhatsApp has updated its terms of service and privacy policy. When the messenger was launched, users began to receive notifications asking them to agree to the new terms .
The changes have already sparked a wave of discontent. Pavel Durov, in his usual manner, called the transition of users from WhatsApp to Telegram » The largest digital migration in the history of mankind . «
Perhaps this was the reason for the appearance of the function of importing chats from some instant messengers (WhatsApp, Line, KakaoTalk) in Telegram. Let’s figure out how the chat is transferred from WhatsApp to Telegram using the example of an application on iOS.
Choosing a chat to export

The necessary chat for import needs to be swiped to the left to perform the export procedure.

After clicking the «Export chat» button, a pop-up window will appear with the export progress, after which you will need to select the application where the export will be performed (in our case, Telegram).

Selecting a chat to import

On the left is a list of contacts, since the private chat is imported, on the right is a list of group chats. In the second case, you can select an existing group, or create a new one. If you create a new group to import chats, the owner becomes anonymous (it’s not completely clear why this is needed).
Since you can export not only a group chat, but also a personal one, the rules for import are different. To import a group chat, you must be a chat administrator, and to import a private chat, the other person must add you to the contacts.

After selecting a chat, the message import will be visualized.

After import, the chat will look as usual. The messages have the “imported” label, and when you try to go to the profile, Telegram reminds you that the message was imported from another application.

If a user who owns messages is added to the chat, they will be assigned to him (only he will not be able to edit them).
Function demo video
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