In the updated version of Telegram for iOS and macOS to version 6.2.1, an unexpected, but nevertheless very interesting function was noticed.
Now users will be able to view private channels without subscribing to it, and also follow a link of the form even if they are not subscribed to the channel.
UPD: immediately after writing an article, the ability to go to a specific link to a post without subscribing to a channel. Opening a channel to follow a private link without a subscription still works.

Important: This will work if more than 200 users are subscribed to the channel (if you create a channel for 1-2 people), you will not be able to view it without a subscription.

After about 5 minutes, the client will warn you that the channel is private and you need to subscribe to it in order to continue watching.

It is important to note that viewing without a subscription works only the first 5 minutes, the second time the client will ask you to subscribe immediately.

At the moment, the function works in Telegram for iOS and macOS version 6.2.1.
Some of the nuances:
- For the function to work, the channel must have more than 200 subscribers. The function does not work with private chats.
- After switching to a private channel by invitation link, two additional features are included for five minutes:
a) enter the channel according to the message sent from this channel;
b) go to the channel using links of the form - If a public chat is tied to a private channel, then the above-mentioned additional features work without clicking on the invitation link and, moreover, work without time limits. So it was before.
- After 5 minutes the first entrance to the channel via a private link, it cannot be viewed without a subscription, the client will offer to subscribe to it.
- Your private channels are safe until you share a link to them. Without this link, users can’t go to the repost from the channel.
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