In August 2019, the messenger team updated the bot to add comments in Telegram channels. Functions for moderating comments have been added, and most importantly, a widget for sites. Users who were authorized with their Telegram account could leave comments directly on the site, it was not very convenient, since they had to leave the messenger. The messenger team has promised to fix this in future versions of the messenger.
On September 30, 2020, with the Telegram update to version 7.1, comments for channels became native. They are based on the chat attached to the channel.
Now the comments widget supports the integration of native comments from any public channel (for this, you need to attach a chat to the channel). Comments written in the chat will be duplicated on the site.
Customizing the widget
If your channel has a news site with articles, then you can use this widget to display post discussions on the site.
Discussions will be available on your site as soon as you post the link in your public channel.

For this to work, you need to add html-code: to the site template, where %page_url% is the URL of the current page.
In August 2019, a hint of support for comments in Instant View was left in the blog post on the messenger update at the very end of the page, perhaps the team is now working on this.
An important factor is that the link to the article (which should contain comments) should be the first.