How to Find my Groups And Channels
In this article, we tell you how to view the list of groups or channels in which you are the owner or administrator in Telegram applications.
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FAQ Articles in English
In this article, we tell you how to view the list of groups or channels in which you are the owner or administrator in Telegram applications.
Telegram reports that a user with a given phone number does not exist, although it does. Here we explain why so and what to do.
What To Do If The Funds Are Debited, but The Subscription or Stars Did Not Appear?
This page contains links to posts that answer the most frequently asked questions from our subscribers.
In this article, we discuss how an Aggressive Anti-Spam works and why you need to be careful when using it in groups.
Telegram groups have two different types: basic groups and supergroups. Here we explain the difference.
This article explains why does «Chat history» option does not always work as expected.
The database stores technical data that cannot be viewed in the Telegram application. Here we tell how to maintain it.
Sometimes, when trying to create a Telegram account on a recently purchased phone number, users discover that there is already a Telegram account on that number.
In this article, we explain what to do if there used to be an owner in a chat, but now there isn’t.
Telegram users regularly feel the need to return to a group or channel they left. In this article, we explain how you can try to do this.